pink leopard gecko

Pink Leopard Gecko /The Essential Care Guide

Pink leopard gecko possess a soft, light-coloured coating that greatly differs from their normal yellow or orange-spotted cousins. Their delicate pinkness and tranquil nature make them a fascinating choice for both starters and lifelong reptile aficionados. In this article, we’ll investigate everything you need to learn about these unusual pink leopard geckos – from their origins and proper care to their diet and fitness.

What is a Pink Leopard Gecko? 

What is a Pink Leopard Gecko? 

Pink leopard geckos emerge from selective breeding of the common leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) to enhance certain traits. While typical leopard geckos sport black spots against yellow or orange hues, pink morphs showcase lighter, rosier tones owing to the purposeful pairing of geckos with this attribute. Their eyes can differ from dim to light according to their precise genetic qualities, though they’re not albinos but only carry muted tones.

Origin and Habits

Leopard geckos, including pink variations, originate from the dry regions of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and northern India, dwelling in craggy deserts and grasslands to conceal from midday warmth beneath stones or underground. In captivity, recreating their natural environment is crucial for health, accommodating their intrinsic habitat necessities. Pink leopard geckos thrive on simulations of their native dry, warm, and rocky landscapes.

Setting Up the Perfect Enclosure

Setting Up the Ideal Living Space Crafting an appropriate home for your pink leopard gecko is essential to maintaining healthiness and cheeriness. Here’s how to establish the perfect lodging:

  1. Tank Size:

A 20-gallon reservoir is befitting for one mature gecko, allowing ample roaming space while preventing disputes if housing multiple.

  1. Substrate: 

Loose substrates like sand could cause blockages if consumed, so avoid those. Paper towels, tiles, or textured carpet, like for reptiles, are preferable choices.

  1. Temperature Gradient:

 It’s important to establish the right thermal gradient. Utilize an under tank heater to maintain one side at 88-92 degrees while allowing the opposite side to reach a cooler 75-80 degrees. Steer clear of heat lamps which tend to dry out enclosures excessively.

  1. Lighting Schedule:

 Nocturnal pink leopard geckos don’t demand UVB lighting. Nonetheless, a typical lighting cycle using an ordinary bulb aids in their internal rhythm.

  1. Humidity hide: 

Maintaining humidity around 30-40% benefits shedding. A hide packed with damp sphagnum moss gives your gecko the moisture needed to properly shed its skin.

  1. Decor:

 Multiple retreats such as rocks, cork logs, and manufactured hides give your pink leopard gecko places to conceal itself during daylight activity and emerge at night.

Diet and Feeding

 As insectivores, crickets, dubia roaches, and mealworms should be the foundation of your gecko’s meals. Be certain the feeders themselves have consumed nutritious grub before serving.

  1. Supplements: 

Sprinkle calcium powder on feeders to avoid metabolic bone disease. Also, a multivitamin once weekly supports optimal health.

  1. Feeding Schedule: 

Adults eat every other day but growing juveniles require daily feedings. Offer food in the evenings when they stir most.

  1. Fresh Water: 

Ensure clean water is constantly available even though intake may be minimal – hydration remains essential.

Health and Common Issues

Pink leopard geckos are ‌hardy reptiles, albeit certain wellbeing difficulties may emerge. Staying cognizant of probable issues will assist one in promptly detecting any signs and seeking therapy if necessary:

  • untickedShedding Troubles: 

The scaly skin constantly renews, yet retention or challenges sloughing near the digits and vision could stem from insufficient moisture. A humid conceal eases the method. In cases of retained epidermis, a cosy rinse liberates the debris.

  • untickedMetabolic Bone Disease (MBD):

 Calcium and D3 inadequacies in the diet may induce weariness, swollen joints, and delicate bones. Daily dusting and supplements avert this.

  • untickedRespiratory Troubles: 

Chilly, damp conditions potentially cause wheezing, mucu around the nostrils, and languor. Warmer temperatures and vet assessment for such manifestations are prudent.

  • untickedParasites: 

Stressed geckos or dirty terrariums risk internal parasites. Routine checkups and cleanliness inhibit invaders.

Breeding Pink Leopard Gecko

Raising pink leopard geckos can be satisfying, but takes diligent scheduling and attention to specifics. Here is what you need to know:

  • Selecting Breeding Pairs:

 Choose strong grown adults with powerful pink coloration. Steer clear of reproducing lizards with any known health issues to ensure hardy offspring.

  • Breeding Season: 

Leopard geckos ‌breed from January to September. During this time, introduce the male to the female’s habitat. Closely watch them to make sure they are compatible.

Following mating, the female will place 1-2 eggs every 2-4 weeks. Provide a damp nesting box in the enclosure where she can deposit her eggs.

  • Incubation:

 Remove the eggs and place them in an incubator. The temperature during incubation determines the sex of the hatchlings. Around 80°F usually makes females, while 88°F makes males.

  • Hatching: 

The eggs will hatch in 35-60 days. Once the babies hatch, they will need their own enclosures and a diet of small insects like pinhead crickets.

Lifespan and Longevity

With excellent care, pink leopard geckos can live long and healthy lives, often reaching 10-20 years in captivity. Some exceptional specimens have even been documented surviving over 25 years. Regular veterinary exams and a balanced diet optimised for their needs are keys to maximising a gecko’s lifespan. Environmental conditions should remain stable to minimise stress.


Pink leopard geckos make rewarding pets for their striking colours and docile temperaments. With the proper husbandry outlined here, one can ensure their pink leopard gecko thrives with a long and healthy life. Whether a first time reptile owner or seasoned breeder, these geckos offer great pet experiences through their charm, manageable care requirements, and potential for longevity given excellent care. Their allure of beauty combined with ease of care makes them an excellent choice.


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