The striking Dalmatian Crested Gecko originates from New Caledonia and has become a favourite exotic pet globally because of its unique black spots and friendly temperament. After scientists believed it had vanished, they rediscovered this species in 1994, and it has flourished in captivity ever since. Known for their ornate fringe crest spanning from above the eyes down the spine and their patterned coat resembling a Dalmatian, they make ideal first pets or additions to seasoned collections. In this guide, we will explore the habitat requirements, dietary needs, and associated expenses of maintaining a Dalmatian Crested Gecko.
Dalmatian Crested Gecko?

A Dalmatian Crested Gecko refers to a morph of the Crested Gecko, exhibiting dark splotches recalling the markings of a Dalmatian dog. No two geckos are identical, as spots vary in quantity and size across individuals. Besides their identifying spots, they have a frilly crest extending from above the eyes along the back, granting them the name “Crested Gecko.”
How Much Does a Dalmatian Crested Gecko Cost?
The price of a Dalmatian Crested Gecko fluctuates, relying on maturation, coloration, and breeder accreditation. You can expect to pay somewhere between $60 to $150 for one. However, rarer morphs such as the “Super Dalmatian” may command up to $300. It is prudent to purchase from a reputable breeder, ensuring receipt of a fit gecko.
Dalmatian Crested Gecko for Sale: Where to Find Them
Those seeking to acquire a Dalmatian Crested Gecko have various options at their disposal. Breeders known for their commitment to welfare offer the surest route to a healthy individual with documented ancestry. Pet shops and digital marketplaces also commonly house these geckos, yet discerning buyers inspect feedback and request particulars on rearing practices to evaluate suitability.
Dalmatian Crested Gecko: Habitat, Diet, and More

1. Habitat Configuration
Establishing proper surroundings is integral to the wellbeing of one’s Dalmatian Crested Gecko, as these arboreal reptiles naturally inhabit tree canopies. We recommend a vertically oriented enclosure of no less than twenty gallons for a lone adult. Those housing more must furnish sufficiently expansive space and maintain sole males separately to forestall aggression.
Temperature and Humidity:
Daytime temperatures of seventy-two to eighty degrees Fahrenheit support liveliness, descending nightly to sixty-five to seventy-five. Maintaining humidity between sixty to eighty percent involves misting daily as hygrometers and thermometers permit monitoring conditions.
As nocturnal, Dalmatian Crested Geckos require no supplemental ultraviolet illumination. Still, exposure to minimal UVB radiation around five percent may augment welfare. Numerous hiding places allow the option out of light.
2. Substrate and décor
Providing the right substrate is crucial to maintain humidity and offer a comfortable environment for your gecko. Coconut fibre, moss, and peat moss are ideal choices that help retain moisture. Avoid substrates like sand or gravel, which pose digestive risks if eaten. Including branches, cork bark, and vines cultivates a natural habitat and supplies various climbing spots.
3. Diet and Feeding
Dalmatian Crested Geckos have omnivorous diets consisting of both insects and fruits. A premium commercial gecko food should be the staple with supplements of gut-loaded critters like crickets, mealworms, and occasionally wax worms or roaches.
Feeding Schedule:
Young geckos require daily feedings, while adults can fast between meals on alternate days. Besides insects, you can occasionally offer tiny portions of pureed fruit like mango, banana, or peach as a treat.
Calcium and vitamin D3 are essential to prevent metabolic bone disease and support health. Dust feeder insects with calcium before each feeding and ensure fresh water is constantly accessible.
Rare Super Dalmatian Crested Gecko Morph

The Super Dalmatian Crested Gecko is an infrequent but coveted morph. These geckos exhibit an even greater concentration of spots that sometimes completely cover their bodies. Due to their one-of-a-kind look, Super Dalmatians can demand higher prices on the exotic pet market. They need identical care to regular Dalmatian Crested Geckos, so the previously mentioned guidelines apply if you’re thinking of acquiring one.
Harlequin Dalmatian Crested Gecko: A Striking Visual Combination
Another eye-catching morph is the intricate Harlequin Dalmatian Crested Gecko. This unique morph skillfully combines the vibrant Harlequin pattern and contrasting colours with the recognizable spotted characteristics of the Dalmatian morph. The intricate, contrasting patterns produce a stunning visual effect. Like other morph varieties, they are easy going pets, making them an excellent choice for those interested in reptiles.
Do Dalmatian Crested Geckos Develop Additional Spots With Age?
Indeed, young Dalmatian Crested Geckos may initially exhibit fewer spots, but their markings can proliferate and enlarge over time. This naturally progressive trait imbues them with evolving one-of-a-kind distinguishing features prized by breeders and collectors.
How Extensive Is the Typical Lifespan of Dalmatian Crested Geckos?
With appropriate care, Dalmatian Crested Geckos boast longevity, averaging a decade to two, rendering them committed long-term companions. Ensuring their diet, environment and regular health examinations optimise their well-being is imperative to permitting them to live fully.
Considered Among the Most scarce, What Is the “xanthic” Morph?
Of the diverse morpho types, the greyish or bluish lacking of yellow and red pigments defines the exceptionally unusual “Axanthic” Crested Gecko morph. Attributed to its rarity, Axanthic geckos demand heightened values and can significantly surpass the cost of more prevalent morphs.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. How much is a Dalmatian Crested Gecko worth?
Costs tend to hover from $60 to $150, relying on age, colouring and breeder, with price elevating coupled to desirability.
2. Where do Dalmatian Crested Geckos live in the wild ?
In nature, these exotic geckos call the tropical rainforests of the New Caledonia home. Spread across the idyllic South Pacific islands, the lush terrain provides all the resources necessary for survival. High in the canopy, beneath spreading leaves and dangling vines, one might spot the mottled forms of Dalmatian Crested Geckos clinging to bark.
3. Are Dalmatian Crested Geckos good pets for beginners?
For novice keepers, the Dalmatian Crested Gecko exhibits an amenable nature and minimal housing demands. These geckos happily go about their days with little fuss as long as you furnish a vivarium, branches for climbing, substrate, water, and a thermometer. Their placid temperament makes them a stress-free choice.
4. What do I need to set up a tank for my Dalmatian Crested Gecko?
Prepare a vertical enclosure no less than 20 gallons with sturdy securing. Coconut fibre bedding and a Thermo hygrometer allow the monitoring of conditions. Decor should include climbing wood to mimic their natural arboreal tendencies. An easy to access water bowl completes the requirements for comfortable captivity.
Final Thoughts:
With colourful patterning, docile personality, and ease of care, Dalmatian Crested Geckos offer reptile keepers of any experience level an engaging pet. Whether a nurturing home for a novice or a colourful addition for seasoned horticulturists, these geckos never fail to delight. For others intrigued by unique reptilian companions, learn more about the sunny Tangerine Leopard Gecko in our featured article.